While Lakhdar was detained in Guantanamo, his daughter sent him a heartbreaking letter. The original letter and an English translation are available here.
Lakhdar testified at the Combatant Status Review Tribunal of his friend, Hadj Boudella (see Witnesses p. 121-122). The transcript is available here.
After ordering Lakhdar and Mustafa’s release, Judge Leon took the unusual step of urging the government not to appeal, given the absence of evidence and the length of time they had already spent in Guantanamo (see Witnesses p. 188-189). Judge Leon’s remarks are transcribed here.
Justice Kennedy’s majority opinion in the landmark Supreme Court case Boumediene v. Bush, confirming Guantanamo detainees’ constitutional right to habeas corpus, is available here.
One of the attorneys who represented Lakhdar and Mustafa pro bono, Stephen H. Oleskey, was interviewed by Ronald J. Grele in 2012 as part of Columbia University’s Rule of Law Oral History Project. The transcript is available here.
The Additional Materials section of Witnesses (p. 235-266) contains excerpts from the following documents:
The sworn affidavit in which Bosnia’s former prime minister, Ali Behmen, offered details about the decision to arrest Lakhdar and Mustafa and the subsequent decision to hand them over to American forces (available in full here).
The decision in which the Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ordered Lakhdar and Mustafa’s release (available in full here).
The court order in which the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina required the Bosnian government to “take all necessary steps” to ensure that Lakhdar and Mustafa were not forcibly removed from Bosnia (available in full here).
The 2002 State of the Union Address in which President George W. Bush referred to the allegations against Lakhdar and Mustafa (available in full here).